Only Building Managers and authorized personnel can submit a Work Request.
You can also call our front office at (541)552-6231 or email and we will help you in any way we can.
University Housing & Stevenson Union
University Housing and the Stevenson Union have their own work request system.
- University Housing
- Stevenson Union – (541) 552-6462
Building or grounds problems that require immediate attention should also be reported by calling FMP directly at 552-6231 during regular business hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday) or Campus Public Safety after hours at 552-6858 or 552-6911. For more detailed campus emergency procedures, visit the Campus Public Safety web page. For serious or life threatening emergencies dial 911.
Non-Billable Services
Facilities Management receives an annual appropriation for the basic maintenance and operations of the academic and administrative facilities. Other services, including any service for the auxilliary operations, are provided on a reimbursable basis. The following services are supported by the FMP operating budget:
- Care of walks, lawns, and general landscaping
- Custodial services to classroom and office areas
- Planned maintenance service such as repainting of walls
- Preventive maintenance to SOU equipment and systems
- Repairs to walls, roofs, ceilings, elevators, building systems, street lights and signs
- Utility system operation and repairs including heating, cooling, water, gas and electricity
(Refer telephone problems to Telecommunications 552-6300.)
The primary mission of Facilities Management & Planning (FMP) is to provide general maintenance for SOU-owned grounds and administrative and academic buildings. We depend on you, our customers, to report problems to your Building Manager.
Building Managers or their designees may submit a Work Request for maintenance. The requests are assigned a work order number, prioritized, and scheduled as time, resources, and efficiency allow.
Billable Services
For any project or activity that is not considered “routine maintenance” (for which the Facilities Management & Planning receives budget funds), your department must submit a Work Request that includes a valid index code. Each Work Request must be approved by your Department or Activity Head. If an alteration to a building or attachment is involved, the appropriate Building Manager must also approve the work. The following are examples of billable services:
- Alterations to buildings (as opposed to routine maintenance and necessary repairs) – remodel, change of paint or carpet
- Departmental equipment and property – repair, assembly, or installation of desks, lamps, etc.
- Special attachments or equipment added to building – special counters, shelving, laboratory stations, piping, fittings, etc.
- Trash – removal or recycling, other than general office waste (see “Custodial”, “Grounds” or “Recycling” sections)
- Wiring – new, additional, or relocation of computers or other departmental equipment
Work Pricing
Reimbursable work services performed by Facilities Management is billed on an at-cost basis. Labor and materials are tracked and billed through a work order module in our FAMIS Computer Maintenance Management System.
Estimates may be requested on the WORK REQUEST. Estimates will be provided for approval before any work begins. FMP does not charge for estimates. With few exceptions, reimbursable work is billed on an at-cost basis, not on a fixed-price basis. We reserve the right to charge for unforeseen costs.
Private Contractors
All alterations to a building must be processed through Facilities Management & Planning to ensure compliance with applicable building codes and to allow FMP to maintain accurate Space Management records. Private contractors may be utilized on projects when FMP is unable to accommodate the requestor’s time frame or where an outside contractor’s cost is significantly lower than the FMP estimate for the work. Depending on the type of work required, a number of contractors are on retainer with the Oregon University System and may be utilized.
Work Requests are prioritized in the order that they are received and processed. At certain times of the year, work loads are heavier than at other times. During holiday, spring and summer breaks, work schedules are typically more intense as we perform work in areas that are difficult to access when classes are in session. Please submit work requests at least FIVE working days prior to the date when you would like the work completed.