- Requestor: Open and fill out this form
- Save and email it to your Department Head. Please include your name in the subject line of the email.
- Department Head: Forward the completed form along with your statement of approval to the Building Manager.
- Building Manager: Forward the completed form along with your statement of approval to ppinput@sou.edu.
Allow 14 business days to process the request. The requester will be notified by email when the key(s) and/or FOB is ready.
Higher Education Center Key & Electronic Access Request
- Fill out the required info
- Email the filled out form to the SOU Lock Shop lockshop@sou.edu
- Lock Shop will be the primary office for all approved requests.
- The form will be forwarded on to RCC staff
- Keys can be picked up at the RCC “H” building directly across the street from the HEC building -117 S. Central- main maintenance office. Please call 218-2931 between 7am – 3pm to make sure keys are ready – allow at least 7 days for processing.
All HEC key related questions should be directed to:
- Grant Lagorio 541-245- 7633 or you can call us @ 541 552-6882.
Individuals are responsible for picking up, signing for, controlling, and returning all keys assigned in their name.
SOU Key Policy
Possession of an SOU key or fob obliges the holder to abide by the terms published in the Southern Oregon University Key Policy.
Lost Keys
As stated in the key policy, key holders must promptly report lost keys to their department head, building manager, Security Department, and the Facilities Services Department lock shop. You can do this by filling out the Lost Key Form and following the instructions at the top of the form.
If you require a replacement key you will also need to fill out a key request and submit it with your Lost Key Form
Scope and Purpose
SOU Lock Shop seeks to achieve maximum security for persons relying on building locking systems for their own safety and for State and other property for which SOU is responsible. Each person to whom a key is issued must accept the key as his/her personal responsibility.
The Lock Shop is funded for repair and maintenance of all lock and door hardware on campus, and is the sole source for duplicating, manufacturing, or cutting of any keys to SOU facilities or equipment. No activity by external locksmiths is permitted on campus.
Keith Beed, Lock Shop Supervisor